IN A WORLD . . . filled with arts and culture blogs, why do we need

When we decided the world needed another arts and culture blog, the first challenge instantly presented itself: what would we call it? Could there possibly be any URLs left that would label our project as an arts and culture blog without saying “Arts & Culture Blog”? As it happens, there were . . . all of them being hoarded by squatters holding onto unrealistic dreams of viral internet fame. So we decided to go rogue: to find a meaningless phrase that sounded cool, was easy to remember, and included no obvious racial slurs. Naturally we googled “random word generator” and, after about a half hour of clicking the online casino “New Phrase” button like a spider monkey in a crystal meth experiment, the universe laid “drunk sunshine” on us. In all great things, a small beginning.

As meaningless as the phrase “drunk sunshine” seems on a literal level, it turns out that as a product of the process, it”s a perfect reflection of the eclectic mix of subject matter and stylistic approach we hope to achieve. articles will touch on any and all aspects of modern popular culture, but our hope is that by encouraging tangents–even non sequiturs– will be a place to experience not just new things, but new ways to experience familiar things. We promise to be wrong just as often as we’re right, but more importantly to keep you wondering which is which. Join us in sharing, discussing, and denouncing the various ways we find to educate, entertain, distract, and deceive ourselves and each other.